Dr. Jia Wan is a Professor at the Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) in the School of Computer Science and Technology. Before joining HITSZ, he was a Posdoc in the Statistical Visual Computing Laboratory (SVCL), University of California, San Diego, advised by Prof. Nuno Vasconcelos and at Boston College, supervised by Prof. Donglai Wei. He received the Ph.D degree in the Video, Image, and Sound Analysis Lab (VISAL), City University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Antoni B. Chan.
He received the M.Sc. degree in the School of Computer Science and the Center for OPTical IMagery Analysis and Learning (OPTIMAL), supervised by Prof. Qi Wang, and B.Eng. degree at the Software Engineering School in Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. In 2018, He was an intern at Tencent AI Lab in Shenzhen, working with Dr. Wenhan Luo and Dr. Baoyuan Wu.
His research interests include computer vision, intelligent transportation, crowd analysis, and brain image analysis.
Now looking for: postdocs, PhD and master students.