Modeling Noisy Annotations for Point-Wise Supervision
Jia Wan, Qiangqiang Wu, and Antoni B. Chan
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), to appear, 2023.
Modeling Noisy Annotations for Point-Wise Supervision
Jia Wan, Qiangqiang Wu, and Antoni B. Chan
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), to appear, 2023.
Generalized Characteristic Function Loss for Crowd Analysis in the Frequency Domain
Weibo Shu, Jia Wan, and Antoni B. Chan
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), to appear, 2023
Crowd Counting in the Frequency Domain
Weibo Shu, Jia Wan, Kay Chen Tan, Sam Kwong, and Antoni B. Chan
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.
Dynamic Momentum Adaptation for Zero-Shot Cross-Domain Crowd Counting
Qiangqiang Wu, Jia Wan, and Antoni B. Chan
ACM Multimedia (MM), 2021.
A Generalized Loss Function for Crowd Counting and Localization
Jia Wan, Ziquan Liu, and Antoni B. Chan
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021.
Progressive Unsupervised Learning for Visual Object Tracking
Qiangqiang Wu, Jia Wan, and Antoni B. Chan
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021. Oral
Angular-Driven Feedback Restoration Networks for Imperfect Sketch Recognition
Jia Wan, Kaihao Zhang, Hongdong Li, and Antoni B. Chan
IEEE Trans. Image Processing (TIP), 2021.
Modeling Noisy Annotations for Crowd Counting
Jia Wan and Antoni B. Chan
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.
On Diversity in Image Captioning: Metrics and Methods
Qingzhong Wang, Jia Wan, and Antoni B. Chan
IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), to appear, 2020.
Adaptive Density Map Generation for Crowd Counting
Jia Wan and Antoni B. Chan
Intl. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019.
Weakly-Supervised Scene-Specific Crowd Counting Using Real-Synthetic Hybrid Data
Yaowu Fan, Jia Wan, Yuan Yuan, and Qi Wang
International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023.
Hierarchical Feature Selection for Random Projection
Qi Wang, Jia Wan, and Yuan Yuan
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (T-CSVT), 2017.
Robust Hierarchical Deep Learning for Vehicular Management
Qi Wang, Jia Wan, and Xuelong Li
IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology (T-VT), 2018.